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Image by Oleg Laptev

Awaken My Heart

Franck, Louise M


If you are out of your mind and desperate for change, this is for you!

God is so gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in Love. His Words are the answers to a life filled with hope. Jesus only has plans to prosper you and give you hope for a future.

It is time to consider our minds, our hearts, our emotions and the power of our words. Do we love like Jesus loves us? How is our prayer life? God’s Word tells us if we will humble ourselves and pray and turn from our sin, He will hear our cries and even heal our land. God is so gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love. It is time to lay aside our foolish thoughts and agree with God’s ways and truth. Then, we will find righteousness. Let us pray, asking Jesus to keep our minds, hearts, emotions and our words fixed on Jesus and His Word. Let us ask Jesus daily to help us grow in His grace and the knowledge of His love and favour. God promises never to abandon His beloved children. This is the time to choose who we will serve – God’s ways or man’s ways.

“He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. He will bring justice to all who have been wronged.”––Isaiah 42:3

About the Author

Louise has led Hope for the Broken Soul Ministry since 2010, ministering to many hearts. She offers hope to those looking for spiritual direction, prayer and healing. Louise is from Alberta, Canada, and is presently writing her fourth book, In the Waiting.

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