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Frequencies of His Love
Buxton, Deborah
He made a way where there seemed to be no way!
When the Québec Minister of Tourism, Caroline Proulx, intervened to cancel the Battle for Canada event in Québec City, the Lord Himself broke through, providing an Upper Room for over 120 worshipping intercessors to gather and wait on Him.
This is the chronicled ten days of Heavenly sound bites that resonated in that place!
About the Author
Deborah Buxton is a worshipper, intercessor, and passionate lover of Jesus. Deborah has attended and scribed every single Battle For Canada event thus far and leads a Friday midnight watch on the Canadian Firewall. She birthed Shekinah Glory House of Prayer in 2018 in Terrace, B.C., where she and others contend for a holy habitation and for the Northwest Region to be a resting place for His Glory.
She also has a YouTube Channel, which has raw, spontaneous worship often done at the Shekinah House of Prayer.
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